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Blog Menopause: It Can Get Better!

Menopause: It Can Get Better!


Hey there! I'm Jenny, and today, I want to take you on a special journey, much like the one a garden undergoes from its quiet winter sleep to the vibrant bloom of spring. I recently visited the Dallas Arboretum, a place where patience and care transform seedlings into breathtaking landscapes. This beautiful transformation reminds me so much of our own journey through perimenopause to menopause.

Understanding and Embracing Change

Just like a garden, our bodies go through significant changes during perimenopause and menopause. It's a time when our hormones seem to dance to their own tune, affecting our sleep, weight, and even how stressed we feel. But instead of just laughing it off with memes, I believe in taking action. Simple steps like improving our sleep routine or finding ways to relax can lay the groundwork for a healthier life. I want to hear from you too! What do you love about this stage in your life? For me, it's the newfound freedom from worrying about what others think.

Building Healthy Habits Gradually

If you're like me, you've probably tried countless diets, only to find them unsustainable. It's not about restricting ourselves but about enjoying food that nourishes our bodies. Start with small changes, like choosing sparkling water over soda, and gradually incorporate more whole foods into your diet. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, as we support our bodies through this transition.

Celebrating Every Step Forward

Midlife can sometimes feel like we're invisible, but it's crucial to celebrate every win, no matter how small. Whether it's choosing a healthy snack or simply drinking an extra glass of water, these victories matter. And if you stumble, that's okay. What's important is that you keep moving forward, focusing on progress, not perfection.

Join the Spring Refresh Bundle

As we embrace this season of growth, I'm excited to share the Spring Refresh Bundle with you. It's a collection of resources designed to rejuvenate your habits, your garden, and your home, curated alongside some incredible women. 

My free guide: 7 Habits to Put the Spring in Your Step

Spring Refresh Bundle:

A Message of Hope

For those just beginning their journey through menopause, I want to offer you hope. By nurturing the right habits and giving yourself the patience you deserve, life does get better. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tips on thriving in midlife and beyond. Until next time, keep nurturing those habits, and watch as your life blossoms into something truly beautiful.


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